
In every habitat, invertebrates represent some of the most dominant and diverse forms of animal life, individually and as groups. Let’s discuss two common aquarium inhabitants: shrimp and snails.


There are many incredible aquarium shrimp species you can choose from. Although each is unique, they share some characteristics. Shrimp species vary in color, size, lifetime requirements, and sometimes diet.
Shrimp are kept in aquariums for their ability to break down algae and consume plants like algae, thus helping to clean the aquarium. There are 140 species in the genus Palaemonetes, which come in various colors (black, white, red, blue, white…) and different sizes.


Though it might be difficult to associate these organisms with the term “animal,” they are often as familiar to us as other living creatures. They can be found in oceans, rivers, backyards, and aquariums. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. As we continue to explore them, discover a few of these fascinating creations that live alongside us.

Considering that snails swim with simple cilia and mantle channels, like terrestrial creatures, invertebrates comprise much more than the famous ants and spiders we often think of when discussing them. Since the word invertebrate comes from the Latin meaning ‘spineless,’ it is essential not to combine various species solely based on cultural norms or appearances without considering the main branches on an evolutionary tree – for example, an ant may belong to a separate classification.

The most popular and well-known shrimp species and snail varieties are in this category.

You can also explore detailed information about Freshwater Fish, Marine Fish, Aquarium Fish, and various invertebrate species.

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